Saturday, June 22, 2013

7 Unusual yet Effective Ways on How to Really Start a Blog

Blogging is in. It magnifies savvy to an ohhmpt degree. 

In this wired world , being a blogger, elevates oneself from a plain persona to a geeky cyberstud.
Saying, "I'm a blogger ." exudes a degree of thesauric refinement and an authoritative coolness.
So you want to be in the circle of the blogosphere society ?

Have a blog or three .  

Don't be intimidated by the blog's technical voice. It is not . Anyone can do it.
It can be your journal , a techie gibber , an advocate's scream, a theorist suspicions, a killer's diary, or your fictitious autobiography - the possibilities are endless.
Blogging is just a brain calisthenics to whet your senses.
It's a natural brain maximizer and an image booster.
..been planning already to start one but are intermittently set aside waiting for the right moment that will never come?

Here are sure fire ways or  guides on how to really start it :

01 Tell your friends you already have a blog .

(even if you are still yet to do it )

Really, tell them matter of factly that you have just published your newest post.
The reason is,by advance announcement and putting your name at stake, you will be compelled to do it no matter what ; or else you will be your friends object of mockery , losing your credibility and flamboyance by the time they will have the chance to surf for your work.
Remember,say you already have a blog,

Do not ever say you are going to start a blog. 

Mouthing that , you will be no different from your chatty friends blabbing  things they are about to have or do and later undermined for senseless gibber.

02 Don't Think. Just imagine.

Yeah! Do not overthink on what genre you're going to blog about .

Thinking is different that imagining. 

Deep thinking requires a series of  logical thoughts and afterthoughts;cancelling and reconnecting what's logical and nonesense.
Imagining in contrast, is just a joyous bike ride down into the ravine of your ecclectic experience as defined by your different senses.
Being imaginative has no limits so all you have to do is to just start with anything. Afterall, your main aim is to start first.
Write any subject that comes into your mind. Don't edit yet. You will have plenty of time reviewing your work later. Just keep on pouring all your thoughts and it will just come oozing.

03 Write only when you're busy while doing other things 

Hmm, crazy as it sound, but  this way you'll juice up your mind to scramble and for ideas to write.
In this fast paced social life , gone are the times when you have to wait for a lovely moment, an inspiring scenery for you to scribble spectral thoughts.

'Mind you, you just want to start a blog, and not construct a plotty novel with all the twined characters and twists.

The main reason why it took me time to finally start a blog is my waiting for the oppropriate peace of mind and a quiet place to start.
That perfect time and place did came, but nothing remarkable came out of the supposed productive sessions.
So, decided to jazz things up, with no plans, no conditioning, no flashy gadgets and out of the pale bleu spark of genius, i find myself jotting this crap on a scratch paper.
( I'm also feeding the chickens while reaching for cobwebs that dims our porchlight with hankies wrapping my face to evade microscopic foreign particles that may invade my nostrils.)

04 There are no rules

Nevermind..Of course, there are rules, but what I mean, don't be too rigid. You are still on your virgin post, so its alright to compose just anything as long as you can have your work published.

Your main goal here is to start and not yet to improve your blog .

Almost every blog aspirant fail to start because they're just too engrossed thinking on how to do it properly, nicely, and want their piece outrightly magnificient. 

Write in any perspective, manner, linggo, or style you want and are comfortable.

This will enable you to find your dominant writing style later.
At this stage, experiment. Don't be bothered if you don't have an enticing beginning,contentful body,and an explosive ending( though you may need it to reek interest on your future posts ).
Just start with any matter that comes first - your grammar and your voice will just be honed naturally as you keep on writing and editing your work later.

05 Be natural

Don't overdo it. Don't pose as someone you're not.
Most of the time, first time bloggers will write to have an impression but not to express . If you do this, it will show on your work. It will be either half-cooked, too good to be believable or over-embelished.
If you have some naught in you, don't suppress it. If you like michief, cute! If you like pun, satire or you dare to be outrageously unorthodox, so be it.

You are the master of your own craft.

One thing for sure, you will be as good as your work, so be you.
It's your blog anyway, you can say anything. 
Just remember not to say what you would'nt want others will say to you .

06 Cheat if needed

Ah! everyone's a cheat at some point on their life, and that's a fact hypocrites won't accept.
Your GTA addict gradeschooler does it as well as your district representative.
Of course, you have to seek help from other people's ideas. Though you may not have an original idea, integrating and innovating some of it, you may come up of your own. 
At a minor level, it is acceptable to base your work on anyone's.
All the things that surround us is just an extension, upgrade, or a merger of a formerly primitive idea. The Neanderthals and  Steve Jobs both agree to this thought.
Take refuge on the saying :

Copying from one source is copying but copying from several sources is research!

So, just cheat if needed, but don't copy like a facsimile, or worse cover it up in a translation just like what the slapstick comedian turned dumb senator of  the Philippines did.

07 Defocus

.. on your perceived audience. Just write what you want .Write for yourself. Gratify first your ego to have achieved such a marvelous feat -  to have a blog at last.

Be ready for criticism - both for the constructive and the destructive type. 

Accepting this critical consequence, you are always prepared to thank the former and flash your half-cocked nine-millimeter to the latter.
( He he of course ,I'm joking...)
This is a huge stumbling log for blogger wannabes -  the fear of rejection or oposing views and the self-untrust of producing pieces that is below your peers expectation.
You are you.

Anyone can criticize but nobody can judge your work. 

Think of a segmented audience or niche interest forum that will be congruent to your opus. 
You can never please anybody, so haters gonna hate but you have achieved you goal - to publish your first blog.


Note: The author of this article is not an accomplished writer, yet.. and this is his first blog.

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