Tuesday, July 23, 2013

7 Things A Common Filipino Citizen Must Learn From President Nonoy Aquino 2013 SONA

President Nonoy's speech though not much of a spectacle was well delivered actually.

The two hour seemingly extemporaneous discourse in Tagalog with minor cough and gesture intermissions did sink to the Filipino audience much more profoundly than any  "tomato english" speaking Mayor addressing his constituents.

On the by side, as an ordinary individual ,here are  

7 things a common Filipino citizen must learn from President Noynoy Aquino 2013 SONA (State of the Nation Address):

01 Politicians must be requested to speak our national language when addressing the public.

A wordly crafted english speech even how fluently stressed is not as endearing as compared to our native language. Nothing voices our Filipino sentiments much more than on our own tongue, moreso if delivered to the Pilipino masses. The Japanese knows well what i mean.

02 The SONA is a report of the nations state ; mainly a report .

For this particular SONA, it's the three years and three weeks of Pinoy's presidency. Personally if i may give a SONA, it's my style as to how i would deal with my statistics and accomplishments, or as far as transparency is concerned, my shortcomings. I may have shortlisted some other things as to my audience expectations but I still reserve the right on how to say it and what to include , though saying, i did my best to cover everything. I cannot speak for every individual interest of the entire Philippine's population. The SONA is always the presidents office view of its performance, and is sometimes not congruent to some sectors, or critics, or detractors, or just some blabbing whiners.

03 Surprisingly, to many, the SONA, does not have a fashion dress code . 

The event organizers may suggest that, and actually dressed some gullible congress figures feeding on their whims, fancies and extravagance, but really it is not required. It's an awesome show of elegance though, to be backless or to be see throughed in coutured gait exuding a sophiticated representative allure well suited to the Metro Manila Film Festival .

04 Even how nice to the ear the SONA is, it is just a national inspiration.

The real life lies here with us. We still work for ourselves to prosper. So when the Catholic Bishops led by Cubao Bishop Ongtioco and Sorsogon Bishop Baster say that the "poor remain poor ' under Pinoy's presidency, we can accept it as true but we cannot put the full burden to the government as to how we cannot remain wallowing on our hand to mouth living.

05 Make use of the SONA hype to your advantage.

That's the most we can do. The attention seeker politician make the most of it .The fashion designers made quite a fortune of it. TV media took advantage of covering it . Writers and psuedo bloggers like myself make it as a hot item. Restaurants may have well monetized on their free views . You might as well watch it and digest in any point of view it can be reinforcing to you..maybe a reality check, a benchmark, or at least make it a bore free topic on barber shops , beauty parlor , or on a coffee rendevouz, giving yourself the priviledge of critiquing your president as he keep on saying you are his boss.

06 Have the priviledge to watch drama and fanrafe on TV especially on the protesters' video. 

Every SONA they are the icing if not the spice of the event. Always there, regardless who's the president . It's their lifestyle or maybe it's how they earn their living. Decades past and their stance is always the same..burning effigies, noise barrage ,dance drama, tickling police maximum tolerance, and repetitive shrills. At first i feel pity on them seeing them banished by firetrucks and teargas but later i got the idea that it's really what they want - to get hurt to be effective on the CHR, and make themselves pathetically believable so they can be covered by the sensationalized media.

07 Lastly the SONA will not affect you directly, really.

The president will always be president. The congresspersons and the senators will always remain on their cushioned seats and comfortably conditioned offices with staff paid by you, as taxpayer. It's  your reality. And they get to spend their "pork" on whatever that motivates them. We cannot change that system. So it's better for us to focus on ourselves and think of ways for our survival. We may have a Platonic view of the govenrment or have the most vicious definition of a corrupt governance but the reality remains, it is in our hands that lie the answers to our existense. No one can help us but ourselves. Given the present status of the Philippines' politics we must only trust ourselves. Nothing can change our lives, but us , not our leaders , not even the SONA, not even our dear president. 

Fair Enough?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Noun Stack Hack for Writers

Mental Floss' 50 Collective Nouns to Bolster Your Vocabulary

Collective nouns may seem like quirky ways to describe groups, but 500 years ago, they were your ticket to the in-crowd. Most collective nouns, or “terms of venery,” were coined during the 15th century.
 Many were codified in books of courtesy, like the 1486 classic Book of St. AlbansSt. Albans was a handbook for medieval gentlemen, and it contained essays on hawking, hunting, and heraldry. Appended to the hunting chapter sits a list of 164 collective nouns, titled “The Compaynys of Beestys and Fowlys.” (Contrary to the title, many terms actually describe people—a biting example of ye olde satire.)
As silly as some sound today, the phrases were formal and proper descriptions. St. Albanswas, after all, a vocabulary-booster, a primer designed to help gentlemen-in-training avoid the embarrassment of “some blunder at the table.” Over the next century, the book’s popularity bloomed. Similar courtesy handbooks caught on, and by the end of the 16th century, a slew of collective nouns had entered the lexicon.
Some have achieved widespread currency and acceptance, like a “flight of stairs,” “a board of trustees,” and a “school of fish.” Others, like a “murder of crows,” barely cling on. However, a handful of obscure phrases have made a comeback, thanks to James Lipton’s wonderful compendium of collective nouns, An Exaltation of Larks. Here are a few from Lipton’s book that you should add to your repertoire.
1. Business of Ferrets
2. Labor of Moles
3. Mustering of Storks
4. Shrewdness of Apes
5. Gam of Whales
6. Smack of Jellyfish
7. Host of Angels
8. Fusillade of Bullets
9. Baptism of Fire
10. Quiver of Arrows
11. Tissue of lies
12. Murder of Crows
13. Unkindness of Ravens
14. Dule of Doves
15. Clowder, Cluster, or Clutter of Cats
16. Kindle of Kittens
17. Mute of Hounds
18. Pass of Asses
19. Ostentation of Peacocks
20. Team of Ducks (when flying)
21. Paddling of Ducks (when on water)
22. Trip of Goats
23. Sloth, or Sleuth, of Bears
24. Charm of Finches
25. Hill of Beans
26. String of Ponies
27. Hand of Bananas
28. College of Cardinals
29. Shock of Corn
30. Band of Men
31. Knot of Toads
32. Wedge of Swans (when flying)
33. Parliament of Owls
34. Superfluity of Nuns
35. Abominable Sight of Monks
36. Untruth of Summoners
37. Doctrine of Doctors
38. Damning of Jurors
39. Sentence of Judges
40. Rascal of Boys
41. Gaggle of Women
42. Gaggle of Gossips
43. Impatience of Wives
44. Tabernacle of Bakers
45. Poverty of Pipers
46. Fighting of Beggars
47. Neverthriving of Jugglers
48. Herd of Harlots
49. Worship of Writers
50. Hastiness of Cooks
According to Lipton, the terms above “are authentic and authoritative. They were used, they were correct, and they are useful, correct—and available—today.” 
Read the full text here: http://mentalfloss.com/article/33580/50-collective-nouns-bolster-your-vocabulary#ixzz2ZdkPD9Fx 
--brought to you by mental_floss! 

11 Low Class Reasons Why Mainstream Filipino Movies are Less Artistic

Have you ever wondered why Eddie Garcia, (with all due respect ) has the same joke tone and generic "Manoy" persona at most if not all his can't be counted movies?

This is a reblog from Von Bryan Cuerpo at The Manila Survival Guide.
Here are his dissection of the basic components of a Filipino "masa" movie painlessly rummaged from translated excerpts if not cheap copycat of successful international movie flicks.
Metro Manila Film Festival

Top 10 Things Wrong With Mainstream Filipino Movies

Characters in Filipino movies are usually ripped right off the pages of Scriptwriting 101 and are rarely based on real people.
There’s the Cheating Husband, the Long Suffering Wife/Mother/Female Figure, the Vile Mistress, the
 Kontrabida (“Villain”), the Young Ingénue, the Love Team, the Macho Playboy Action Hero, the Sidekick, the Poor Virtuous Hero/Heroine who Triumphs Over Everything, the Rebellious Teen, the Precocious Child etc. etc.  We particularly loathe the Sidekick who apparently has nothing better to do with his or her life except to follow and comment on the lead characters’ lives.
2. Most Filipino movies are filled with actors and actresses who cannot act. 
As a general rule, acting requires actors to know how to demonstrate a number of expressions and gestures to convey a variety of emotions.  This is not necessary in the Philippines. Most Filipino actors only have one facial expression to depict anger, triumph, sadness, happiness or frustration.  We call it the “OMG I’m constipated” look, because of the fact that the actor looks, well, constipated. Dingdong Dantes is a known practitioner. (Seeherehere, and here.)
And also, no, being hot doesn’t count as acting.
3. Most Filipino movies do not have plots.  They are a series of “quotable quotes” cobbled together to bear some resemblance to a real movie in a freaky, ugly, Frankensteinish way. 
We’re big fans of “quotable quotes”, really, but a movie cannot be made up of mostly over-the-top, cheesy, dramatic lines.  It’s tiring, it’s silly and it sacrifices plot for unrealistic stupidity.
4. Most Filipino movies are a rehash of a handful of plots we’ve seen ten billion times before. 
You know what we need? Another unfunny romantic comedy where the guy gets the girl in the end.  We seriously need another one of those.
Here’s another original idea:  They can make the guy and the girl not like each other at the start, then like each other in the end.  I’m sure that plot point has never been done, like, ten jillion times before, all over the world.
Wait, wait here’s the best, most original idea in the world: we can make another Enteng Kabisote film because, apparently, we hate ourselves.
5. Most Filipino movies are cheap, crappy rip-offs of expensive Hollywood movies/shows. 
For added cruel inventiveness, a Filipino movie can be a rip-off of two expensive Hollywood movies/shows fused together to make one freakishly ugly baby.
Top 10 Things Wrong With Mainstream Filipino Movies Tatlong Baraha Senator Bong Revilla Jr. Panday Metro Manila Film Festival Mark Lapid Filipino movies Enteng ng Ina Mo Enteng Kabisote Dingdong Dantes Desperadas 2 Ang Tanging Ina Nyong Lahat Ang Tanging Ina Mo (Last Na To) Ang Tanging Ina
If movies were people, this would be the ugly lovechild of Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives.
6. Most Filipino comedies aren’t funny. 
Or they can start out funny, then the big producers would make sequel after sequel where they would rehash the same joke over and over again until it stops being funny and just becomes annoying. Case in point: Ang Tanging InaAng Tanging Ina N’yong LahatAng Tanging Ina Mo (Last Na ‘To), and Enteng ng Ina Mo.
7.  Most Filipino dramas are unintentionally funny. 
Seriously funny. They should start marketing dramas as comedies from now on.
8.  Filipino action heroes. 
Filipino action heroes have the following superpowers:  a) they never get hit by a bullet (or anything that resembles a projectile that might actually hurt) even when everyone else around them dies; b) they attract girls whose looks and age are inversely proportional to theirs; and c) they can say cheesy, stupid “quotable quotes” with a straight face.
Case in point: Mark Lapid, the king of silly, cheesy “quotable quotes” for his acting stint in “Tatlong Baraha (Three Cards)”.  Seriously, you have to give him mad props for saying this with a straight face the “OMG I’m constipated” look.
9.       Our politicians star in crappy Filipino movies.
Top 10 Things Wrong With Mainstream Filipino Movies Tatlong Baraha Senator Bong Revilla Jr. Panday Metro Manila Film Festival Mark Lapid Filipino movies Enteng ng Ina Mo Enteng Kabisote Dingdong Dantes Desperadas 2 Ang Tanging Ina Nyong Lahat Ang Tanging Ina Mo (Last Na To) Ang Tanging Ina
That guy holding that puny sword and wearing that “OMG I’m constipated” look is currently a Senator of the Republic of the Philippines.  He is also planning to run for Vice President in the upcoming elections. We are doomed.
10.  The Metro Manila Film Festival. 
Umm, yea.
11. Bonus:
The worst thing about Filipino cinema today is that Filipinos, notwithstanding the general stupidity of the type of local movies depicted above, still lap up this crap. We never learn.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Only in the Philippines : Where Internet Means Facebook

5 Filipinos open a Facebook account 

per minute

From the period March 1 to 15, 2012, Facebook still 

leads as the top social network used in the Philippines 

with  73.91% share.  

5 Filipinos open a 

Facebook account per 


The latest data from SocialBakers shows 

that almost one out of every 4 Filipinos has 

a Facebook account. 

As of this writing, one year after this 

survey ,it is safe to say that  the number 

approaches to 30 million Facebook users in the Philippines. 

The pop culture brought about by global social media in the Philippines is contagious. In the advent of mobile internet and sprouting computer shops everywhere located from slum areas to metro districts , Facebooking became not only a fad but a part of Filipino adolescent's routine,( and the social at hearts.)

With this ease in internet access, almost everyone from any financial standing in the society can now afford to be online with only their time as limit as to how long will they be surfing the viral waves of socialization.

Facebook then became the epitome of internet in the Philippines. 

For Filipinos having a facebook account, means a remarkable upgrade on their persona.

Here are some reasons why Facebook 

is so popular in the Philippines:

01 Celebrated Freedom of Expression

In facebook, Filipinos had their moderate freedom. They now have the venue to express themselves in an acceptable manner and it is a likable feature. These things, they are not accustomed before due to naive cultural norms.

02 The Filipino is a social climber

Filipinos want to prove themselves to anybody they are capable of things not usually noticed. 
Be it to their fellow or to other races, Filipinos are perpetually elevating their status to be at par with their emulated figure or even more.

03 Facebook is nouveau 

As far as the third world countries concern , facebook is a new chic way of socialization . 
Everybody wants to be in the fad, if not the first, at least be not left behind. 
Facebook gives the Filipinos the the link to the viral community, they regard as the new norm in society.

04 Filipinos raves for intrigues and gossips

Being an insider to a conspiracy, scandal or a secret plot hooks  a Filipino. 
That's the reason why telenovelas and reality shows never cease to catch Filipino attention. 
Facebook is a limitless biblioteca of blood, sweat and tears type of stories everyday. 
This observatory omnicience is a marvelous feeling as far unwelcome critiques are concerned.

05 Facebook is easy, free and with benefits

Filipinos always want the easy way, plug and play type of interface mainly because,we are techno-challenged. 
Filipinos being a value digger, facebook fits in their lifestyle , and it comes with added freebies for their egotrip. (let's say like..one thousand and one selfies in the bathroom )

Although the data show that the beginning of Facebook latency period in the Philippines is evident, maturity in facebook use will still be enjoyed for long by Filipino subscribers until a next viral fad will emerge . 

Who knows? 
As facebook innovates it's offerings regularly, closing competition will find it hard to surpass the phenomenal facebook addiction.

Moreso in developing countries like the Philippines , who most of it's population regard facebook as their total internet experience package.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

16 Life Lessons To Learn From Top Funny GIF Fails this July, 2013

1. Anticipate you surroundings before a shooting.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

2. Never underestimate your own knocking power.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

3. Crumpin’ is fun, but not way too close to a treadmill.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You
Via: faniq.com

4. Know when to let go, or else..

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

5. It's not only you must learn to fly, but also to learn to crash land safely. 

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

6. A yo-yo is actually a boomerang.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

7. A speedy boat cruise with hot chicks is not always safe.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

8. Carma always happen when picking on a helpless.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

9. Life is not always bouncing back.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

10. Look before you step.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

11. Fire playing is not a spectator sport. 

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

12. Know your spices, especially cinnamon.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

 Exercise is full of surprises.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

14. Video chat is fuller of surprises.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You
Via: reddit.com

 Everybody has weakness, even if you're 
 Captain America.

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

16. Don't back dive indoors with a hat, you might hurt a derp fan.